MUSIC, PAINTINGS, LITERATURE…… beyond the boundaries of art
FOAJEON weaves a linkage of art lasting forever
Now, from his fingers, the music notes that have gained their freedom
Please enjoy FOAJEON’s “music-art world deeply reaching your soul”
Founder of 447Hz

In the flow of the development of music equipment
the miracle sound, 447Hz
“447A108″, has been developed
In pursuit of the quality of true, pure sound
The beautiful, clear, and ultimate sound in FOAJEON’s music
Where you can touch the sound of the instrument itself
☆ Click here for FOAJEON’s latest information and special offers of his works and contents ☆


Let us bring the strong emotions woven in JAPAN
To the world, to the generations, and to the future
first movement (mus)
second movement (mus)
Third movement
Fourth movement
FOAJEON 音楽作品 試聴

impressionistic-figurative art
that has both “deep artistry”
and “outstanding design”
The main motif is flowers,
which represent the dynamism of life

The “Music-Poem-Novel” series give rhythm to the words with the beat of sound
The fusion of the pulse of sound and the prosody of words
is questioned widely to readers as the literature of the coming age
With the themes of human love and returning-self,
It dramatically depicts the universality latent in the everyday scenes of life
- Normal. Normal is good. But my heart won't move.
What are the wings of destiny given to her as she gazes into the slanting light that instantly enters her thirst as a woman?
- Where does the dream of a woman who can't feel love end up when she leaves her home and moves to the big city of Tokyo?